Blue House Project - Our Unique Homeownership Program.
According to The Federal Reserve Bank, the value or sales price of homes in a neighborhood is arguably the single most direct measure of the economic vitality of a neighborhood. Residential stability predicts a great number of outcomes: physical and psychological health, overall life satisfaction, a sense of control over one’s environment, greater educational attainment, lower dropout rates, higher earnings, increased social interaction, and social cohesion, and fewer teen pregnancies.

The Drew Lewis Foundation's Commitment Towards Economic Sustainability.
Drew Lewis is committed to enhancing the Springfield, Missouri community by promoting the benefits of homeownership. Studies show that owning a home in any neighborhood can lead to positive economic and social outcomes. In Springfield, the value of homes and sales prices directly reflect the economic health of a neighborhood, according to The Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
Furthermore, owning a home contributes to better-maintained properties in the neighborhood. Homeowners tend to participate in activities that build social capital, such as volunteering or participating in block group meetings. Drew Lewis understands that promoting homeownership in Springfield will not only benefit individual homeowners but also contribute to the overall well-being and vibrancy of the community.
The Blue House Project Numbers:
Distressed Homes Renovated
In The Grant Beach Area.
Increase in Home Ownership In Grant Beach.
$3 MIL
Invested In Our Communities.
Step 1:
Under the RISE (Reaching Independence through Support and Education) program, distressed houses such as those in foreclosure, abandoned, or dilapidated conditions, are acquired at a discounted price. Qualified professionals then renovate them to high standards before offering them for sale to individuals who may not have qualified for a traditional home loan. This initiative provides members of the RISE program with an opportunity to become homeowners and achieve greater independence through affordable housing.
Step 2:
In order to qualify and maintain eligibility for the Blue House Project, individuals must be actively engaged with RISE, the Drew Lewis Foundation's flagship program. Once selected, purchasers sign a standard two-year lease agreement and pay monthly rent that is equivalent to the mortgage amount. This arrangement offers a pathway to homeownership for RISE members who may not have previously qualified for a traditional home loan, while also promoting responsible and affordable homeownership.
Step 3:
Throughout the two-year lease agreement, purchasers under the Blue House Project work to enhance their financial stability and employment prospects while gaining practical knowledge about homeownership. They also prioritize repairing their credit and saving for a downpayment. To support healthy living, a health educator conducts monthly home inspections to educate families on the "Keep-It" principles of healthy homes, thereby mitigating environmental hazards that can cause chronic conditions and financial burden. This comprehensive approach helps ensure that RISE members become informed and responsible homeowners who can maintain healthy and sustainable homes.
Step 4:
The "broken window theory" suggests that when one house in a neighborhood is in disrepair, it can lead to a downward spiral of neglect and blight. In contrast, maintaining a well-kept and attractive property can inspire others in the community to follow suit, resulting in a positive ripple effect. By renovating and maintaining homes through initiatives like the Blue House Project, we aim to promote a sense of pride and responsibility in the community and help reduce blight and decline in the neighborhood.